Individual and Family Plans

Comprehensive coverage for individuals and families

Our plans offer comprehensive coverage for individuals and families and comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). These plans are only available during the annual open enrollment period or within 60 days of a qualifying life event, such as a change in marital, family or job status.

Individual and Family annual health plans

Your clients can choose from a broad selection of distinct plans, with options to fit almost any budget. Many individuals and families even qualify for help paying for these plans. 

Our plans cover the essential health benefits defined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), plus perks and rewards to promote healthy living! Members can earn cash rewards for completing wellness activities, such as getting a flu shot or doing a telehealth visit. 

Our plans are categorized by metal type: 

  • Gold 
  • Silver 
  • Bronze 

All metallic tiers cover the same set of benefits. The difference of each tier is how much clients pay for monthly premiums, and how much they pay for care. For example, copays, coinsurance and deductible costs vary depending on metal tier.

If a client is under age 30 or qualifies for a hardship exemption, a catastrophic plan* may be an option for them.

*A catastrophic plan option is only available with our BlueEssentials products. 

Download our 2025 brochures:

When can your clients enroll?

Most clients can only sign up for ACA plans during the annual open enrollment period. Special enrollment periods are available within 60 days of a qualifying life event, such as:

  • Getting married or divorced
  • Having or adopting a child
  • Losing a job
  • Moving
  • Losing other health coverage

Do you have a client who has missed the window to enroll in a ACA plan? Blue TermSM short-term plans can help fill in gaps when clients are in between traditional coverage.

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