Talk With Us Online Through STATchat
Need more information about claims status or eligibility? Or do you have questions regarding a pending precertification request? STATchat is a fast, free and simple way to talk with a provider services representative through the My Insurance ManagerSM online provider tool.
STATchat is available after you’ve searched online for an answer to a claims status or if the information was not available in the voice response unit. To launch STATchat, you would:
- Select Ask Provider Services
- Select Talk to Provider Services Online
- Select Launch STATchat
STATchat System Requirements
To use STATchat, you must have:
- A current version of Adobe Flash Player
- A compatible web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 or EDGE® or Google Chrome®
- A headset (recommended) or standalone microphone and speakers connected to your computer
Consider these technical tips as well:
- If you’re experiencing audio problems, make sure your headset is plugged in and the volume is turned up.
- Check your firewall settings. You should allow outgoing UDP to the public internet from the browser using STATchat. Allow return traffic in response.
- If your router includes SIP Application Level Gateway (ALG) function or Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI), disable both of these functions for the * domain.
- For each concurrent call, allow WebRTC: 8 kB/s. This doesn’t scale based on bandwidth. On browsers using Flash, fallback bandwidth requirement is 6 kB/s.
- For lower-end computer hardware, we recommend USB headsets, rather than 3.5 mm jack headsets. These will allow you to bypass the native soundboard. For machines with a higher-end integrated soundboard, the 3.5 mm connection may be fine.
Port Requirements
Technical Assistance
We have a technical team ready to assist with your STATchat conversion. Call 855-229-5720 for help. We look forward to hearing you loud and clear!