Weight Loss: It's Not Magic. It's Management

Feeling lost when it comes to weight loss? That’s understandable. It seems like a new fad diet or miracle pill arrives every day with a promise to be your solution to skinny. But sustainable weight loss doesn’t come in a bottle or occur with the snap of a finger.

What’s The Weight Loss Mystery?

Here’s the big secret — weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you eat. To manage your weight, you need to develop an action plan that incorporates physical activity, healthy eating and behavioral changes.

What’s The Right Weight For Me?

It’s important to identify a personal healthy weight. If you want to know if your current weight is considered underweight, normal, overweight or obese, calculate your body mass index (BMI). Keep in mind, each person is unique and there may be additional factors to consider when setting a goal for your weight. The BMI calculator does not replace advice from your doctor.

Is Obesity As Scary As It Sounds?

We hear the term “obesity” quite often — but what does that actually mean? It simply means that a person has too much body fat, or a BMI higher than 30. If you fall into the category of obese, you’re not alone. In fact, nearly 70 percent of American adults are considered overweight or obese. And almost 13 million children in America, ages 2 to 19, are considered obese.

You shouldn’t feel discouraged if you are currently overweight or obese, but you should understand the risks and create a plan of action. Obesity can greatly impact your health and overall quality of life by:

  • Raising blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Raising blood pressure
  • Inducing diabetes
  • Increasing the risk for heart disease and stroke

How Do I Start?

Getting started with a weight loss plan can be the hardest part. You might be wondering, “How do I change the way I shop for groceries?” or “Which gym should I join and can I afford it?” Don’t be intimidated. Even small changes can make a big difference.

Take a closer look at your diet, then make adjustments:

  • Track your meals. Maintain a food diary to take a closer look at what you’re eating. You might be surprised at what you find. 
  • Reduce portions. Avoid overeating with smaller portions. Each portion should be no larger than the size of your fist.
  • Reduce fat and sugar. You don’t have to give up all your favorite foods. Most likely, there’s a substitute with less fat and sugar.   
  • Reach for low-calorie fillers. Control your hunger by reaching for high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables. They provide a feeling of fullness without adding too many calories to your diet.   

You should view an exercise plan the same way you view changes to your diet. Start by incorporating small changes that are realistic and right for you:  

  • Exercise can happen anywhere. Gyms are great and we certainly encourage use of them. But they’re not the only place you can exercise. Walk outside during lunch and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Try jogging in your neighborhood or taking the family for a walk after dinner.
  • Do activities that you enjoy. Physical activity can take place in many different forms while providing the same benefits. Maybe you enjoy kayaking and mountain climbing. Or perhaps you enjoy sticking to a very specific workout routine. Find something you enjoy and you’ll be more likely to stick with it. 
  • Find a workout buddy. If you have a friend that enjoys the same type of exercise, adopt a regular routine together. You can enjoy each other’s company and hold each other accountable for keeping it up.

Perks To Support Your Weight Management Plan

As a primary member of the State Health Plan, you can seek help from a personal health coach for weight management. Just call 855-838-5897.

And just for being Blue, you can access special rates on a number of fitness products and programs. Take advantage of these discounts today and get started on your weight management plan.

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